Sorry for our dust!

ADOBE has terminated the Flashplayer.

Of course, as the developer they have the right to do so. However, they should let the users know that the website will not work any longer.

Result? Our beautiful website with nice Mount Fuji and other attractive photos, changing with each season is GONE.

We are working on an attractive replacement. Sorry for the inconvenience.

You can of course contact us via email or WhatsApp. We are also always open for a ZOOM or TEAMS chat.

Hans-Henning Judek 
President, CEO 
J.E. Access Ltd. 
Bashamichi Ohtsu Bldg. 3F 
Minami-nakadori 4-43, Naka-ku 
Yokohama-shi 231-0006 JAPAN 
Mobile & WhatsApp +81-80-3449-5162 
Phone +81-45-222-3385 
Email: h.judek@jeaccess.com 

Please review the LinkedIn profile of Hans

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